Thomas the Tank Engine Wikia

“What other tricks d'you do?”
― One of the mountain bikers

A Special Story About Skarloey is a rhyming magazine story.


Skarloey enjoys watching the mountain bikers bump around the mountains. As he trundles along, a rock suddenly comes loose and rolls down the embankment and onto the line in front of him. Skarloey cannot stop, jumps off the rails, and leans into a patch of pine trees. The mountain bikers come to help out and one telephones for the breakdown crew. The bikers cannot help, but tease Skarloey and one asks him if he can do any other tricks.



  • Peter Sam has his old funnel. The tops of his and Skarloey's funnels are also golden.
  • In some illustration, Skarloey's lining is yellow.

